Discussion Topics


We have included a forum section on the site (at the bottom of the side bar) and from time to time will add topics which we feel may be of broad interest to our visitors. We will also include links to current topics in this blog.

The first 2 topics we have proposed are Copyright  and  The Changing Face of Glasgow

1. Is image theft, i.e. unauthorised downloading and use of images, any different to shoplifting?

This is an extremely important issue to many photographers struggling to “stay afloat” in the current economic climate and the “problems” of easy electronic reproduction.

2. Unlike our close neighbour, Edinburgh, whose city centre, understandably, does not undergo many radical changes in appearance, in contrast the cityscape & physical fabric of central Glasgow is constantly on the move. Do you think this process of constant change is a key factor in the dynamic nature of the city, for better or worse.

We will be interested to hear your views on these topics, as hopefully will many other visitors to the site. To go there now click on the Copyright   or  The Changing Face of Glasgow  link.

If there are other comments you would like to make relevant to the spirit of this site, or suggestions for additional future threads which we might add to the forum section, this page offers the opportunity for more general comments and less specific open discussions.

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